Here are all the things we can speculate about next:
- What will the line-up be of the remaining speakers at the Convention?
- What will the next set of polls look like, now that we have two pres candidates and two VP candidates to match up?
- Who will run for the VP nominees's old seat (if it's someone who is currently in office)?
- Who will join the campaign staff of the VP nominee?
- How will the pair campaign -- joint rallies, divide up and take different approaches, regions, etc.?
- Is Bush going to replace Cheney?
- Who might Kerry appoint to his Cabinet, given the VP nominee is no longer an option for the Cabinet?
- What will the Party platform look like?
- Any possible fireworks at the Convention?
- How will this choice affect fundraising over the next few weeks?
- How will this choice affect Kerry's coattails across the country?